For reasons unknown to us, new versions of Arcadia control modules began to use Renasas processors to replace Freescale, which had already begun to slowly lend themselves to programming and the light had already appeared at the end of the dark tunnel of faulty modules of the first version of Arcadia.
Perhaps this happened because the manufacturer was not satisfied with the stability of their work, because the same Korean competitors do not have any problems with firmware and processors at all, or perhaps this happened due to Freescale’s purchase of NXP in 2015, we are unlikely to be anyone -he will say, and probably our masters don’t need it.
Now let's talk about how to program these microcontrollers using the example of HD64F3664H, which is used on EVO2 modules; for this we need any I2C programmer and the Flash Development Toolkit program, preferably version 4 and older. (it is included in the course package, bonus section)
Installing Flash Development Toolkit
This program is very simple and does not require special computer knowledge to install it, but we will still cover a few points and go over its settings.
1) Select a language, 2) Agree to the terms and 3) Select all packages
Next in installing the program we do the following steps
4) Select all formats
5) Select a location for installation
6) We are waiting for completion and it is advisable to reboot
How to record processor step 1?
Everything here is the same as with all similar programs, nothing complicated and the program itself tells us what needs to be done, before starting, do not forget to connect the programmer according to the processor pinout, and on EVO2 there is a special connector for this
We solder our I2C programmer to this connector according to the pinout and begin to rewrite our processor.
We launch our program and click create a new project, after which we come up with an arbitrary name for the project and click next, we will have a list of devices available for selection, depending on this choice the program will select further actions.
How to record processor step 2?
Before starting the program, make sure that your programmer is detected correctly and works as a virtual and real COM port, the number of which must be entered in the next field
If you did everything correctly, the program will connect to the processor and you can reflash it by right-clicking on our project and clicking the “Add file” field. After the file is added to the program, it needs to be uploaded to our processor by pressing the button highlighted in red.